What is a 360?

The term 360 degree appraisal is taken from an 'all round' view, a complete circle, comprehensive feedback from all-round perspectives. It is a process of obtaining structured feedback from a group of individuals that have insight into how a person operates at work. It is focused on HOW they do their work, not WHAT they do or achieve.

Why use it?

Performance can be improved or simply sustained as a result of attending to feedback. If you do something and the feedback is positive you should probably keep doing it. If you do something and the feedback is negative you might usefully reassess what you do or how you do it.

The 360-degree feedback process provides information to individuals which is often unavailable; very few of us go out of our way to provide feedback to others and we rarely know exactly what others think about what we do. The process elicits a more comprehensive view of where strengths and areas for development lie thus informing development planning and future behaviour.

How does it work?

360s feature questionnaires referencing observable behaviours linked to the target (usually client-specific) Competencies or Values known to contribute to effective leadership performance and provide the structure and content of the questionnaire.

A link to complete the questionnaire is sent, via email, to a group of respondents selected by the participant whose feedback they would value. The questionnaire sent is the same for all and is also completed by the participant themselves.

Respondents are asked to rate the participant on each of the behaviours outlined in the questionnaire using a five-point scale to reflect the strength of performance perceived by the respondent. This is shown below.

Score Definition
0 Not enough evidence available to make a judgement
1 Rarely/never does this
2 Occasionally does this
3 Often does this but room for improvement
4 Frequently does this but could still benefit from development in some areas
5 Consistently does this, an example for others to follow

In addition to supplying a numerical rating, respondents can add written comments to expand on the rating they would give, these might include their view of the individual or examples to help understanding. Once completed, questionnaires are submitted for processing and collation into a summary report.


The quality of the feedback contained in a 360 report is entirely dependent on the respondents. Respondents should be selected on the basis of:

  • Opportunity to observe the individual at work
  • Relevance of their involvement in the individual's work
  • A minimum time they have known the individual

It is rare that a respondent's input is worthless or worse still can be discounted. Where individuals have the option of ‘choosing friends' to complete it they will know the feedback is likely to be biased. Where individuals have limited experience working with the individual, even their first impressions may be useful although they will struggle to deliver meaningful ratings against many behaviours. In general, the respondent group should represent a cross-section of work colleagues and client/customers, and will usually include the person’s line manager.

Apart from the person’s direct line manager, the ratings from all other respondents are anonymous.

The Report

360-degree feedback reports contain a lot of information, all of which is very personal whether it be overwhelmingly positive or contains some tough messages. For this reason individuals will not work through their report alone, but will do so with the support and guidance of a trained 360° coach.

The report summarises the feedback received without editing or manipulation. Individuals see the rating against each behaviour given by each respondent group and the verbatim comments they have provided. Direct Report, Peer/Colleague and Customer ratings are amalgamated for confidentiality.

The report is comprehensive but not prescriptive; whilst highlighting strengths and development areas it does not dictate what should be done as a result, that is for the individual to decide. After an initial reading of the report and some reflection, individuals are encouraged to approach their respondents for further clarification should that be useful.

After the 360

360 is not an end in itself. It is the starting point for informed discussion about performance and how it can both be sustained and improved. Some organisations include 360 as part of a more general appraisal and development process, whilst others link it to particular initiatives such as development programmes. The overriding responsibility for working with 360 feedback however always lies with the individual for whom it was completed and it is up to them to exploit the information it provides.